West has no right to execute Gaddafi – Putin

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin declared that the Western forces taking part in the military operation in Libya are not entitled to assassinate Muammar Gaddafi, as doing so is against international law.

The Russian premier noted that UN Security Council resolution 1973 allowed for enforcing a no-fly zone over the North African state. But the coalition forces are “bombing palaces” every night.

“Are they exterminating mice this way?”, he said, adding that civilians are being killed.

Initially, Putin noted, it was claimed that there was no plan to eliminate the Libyan leader. However, some officials are now saying the opposite, he observed.

“Who allowed them to do so?”, he demanded, speaking at a joint media conference with his Danish counterpart in Copenhagen. “Has there been a court decision? Who has the right to execute a human, no matter how good or bad one is? But everyone keeps silent.”

The Russian premier stressed that the coalition states should act in accordance with international law, while clearly realizing the responsibility they bear, in particular in caring for civilians.

“When the entire so-called ‘civilized’ community, with all its might, [attacks] a small country, eliminates its infrastructure…I do not know whether it is good or not. But I do not like it,” he said.

Putin also noted that there are many countries where the situation is similar to Libya — countries that are far from democratic and with internal tensions resulting in violence.

“Should we interfere everywhere? Should we be bombing them, too?” he questioned.




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