South Africa: Home Affairs Committee Welcomes Consequence Management by the Department’s Management Against Corrupt Officials

Republic of South Africa: The Parliament
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The Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs has welcomed the acceleration of consequence management by the management of the Department of Home Affairs against corrupt officials within the department. The committee views that as a critical and effective move in rooting out fraud and corruption within the department.

“It is unfortunate that the majority of cases against officials in the department are in relation to the fraudulent issuance of passports. But we are reassured that the department is doing everything within its power and authority to bring those in the wrong to justice. The committee has given its full support to the department as it endeavours to cleanse itself of some rotten apples within its ranks,” said Mr Mosa Chabane, the Chairperson of the committee.

The committee has also welcomed the reprogramming of the Information Technology system to incorporate security features with clear information on which officials had logged into the system and what areas within the system they are working on. Furthermore, the committee has called for a speedy conclusion of all the pending cases to enable the full provision of services.

Regarding the Prophet Shepherd Bhushiri matter, the committee noted the internal disciplinary measures implemented by the department. It has urged the department to move with speed to finalise all its processes to enable the implementation of consequence management which will serve as a deterrent against officials that might be tempted to act unlawfully.

The committee remains concerned that the matter of the full investigation on how Prophet Bushiri escaped has not been concluded and it has resolved to engage other relevant parliamentary committees and all relevant government departments to get to the bottom of the matter.

Meanwhile, the committee has noted the process undertaken by the department in relation to Zimbabwean Exemption Permit and will be monitoring the conclusion of the court cases regarding these permits. The committee also welcomed the extension of the Zimbabwean exemptions granted to Zimbabwean nationals for a further period of six months in order to allow the holders thereof to apply one or other visa provided for in the Immigration Act that they may qualify for. It will upon finalisation of the court cases engage with the department for a way forward.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Republic of South Africa: The Parliament.

Source: Apo-Opa

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