Sudan: What does independence mean for North and South?

Focus on Sudan: What does independence mean for North and South?

Date: 13th July, 7pm
Venue: Frontline Club, 13 Norfolk Place, London W2 1QJ

Salva Kir is to lead South Sudan into independence on the 9 July after a landslide referendum earlier this year where 99% of the South voted to secede from the North. But with relations still tense over disputed border regions of Abyei and the surrounding area, what does the future hold for North and South alike?

With Northern Sudan’s President Omar al Bashir wanted by the ICC for war crimes and the vast majorities of NGO’s being based in the south, will the North even recognize its legitimacy? Will this be the real start of peace, or will it merely be the start of another land grab explosion by the North?

Analysts fear that the South will become a failed state before it has even had a chance at success. With little to no public services and foreign aid being the main source of food, the South stands in a precarious position and faces an up hill struggle.

Chaired by Richard Dowden, director of the Royal African Society.


  • Lord Teverson, a Liberal Democrat Peer and former MEP, and current chair of the House of Lords EU Foreign Affairs Sub-Committee
  • Sara Pantuliano, head of Humanitarian Policy Group (HPG at the Overseas Development Institute (ODI).
  • Dr Ahmed Al-Shahi, Research Fellow and Co-founder of the Sudan Programme at St Antony’s College, Oxford University.
  • Natznet Tesfay, head of Africa Forecasting at Exclusive Analysis Ltd.

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