Coronavirus – Malawi: COVID-19 update (30 April 2021)

Ministry of Health and Population, Republic of Malawi

Malawi has registered 16 new COVID-19 cases, 28 new recoveries and no new deaths. Of the new cases, 13 are locally transmitted: six from Blantyre, five from Lilongwe, and one each from Chikwawa and Dowa Districts while three cases are imported: two in Salima (travelled from India) and one in Lilongwe (travelled from Brazil). No new deaths were registered.

Malawi has recorded 34,078 cases including 1,148 deaths (Case Fatality Rate is at 3.37%). Of these cases, 2,160 are imported infections and 31,918 are locally transmitted. Cumulatively, 32,051 cases have now recovered (recovery rate of 94.1%) and 134 were lost to follow-up. This brings the total number of active cases to 745. There were two new admissions in the treatment units while three cases were discharged.

A total of 12 active cases are hospitalised: six in Blantyre, four in Lilongwe, and one in Mzimba North Districts. On testing, 502 COVID-19 tests were conducted. Of these, 75 tests were through SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Diagnostic test while the rest were through RT-PCR. The positive cases out of the total translates to a positivity rate of 3.2% while a weekly positivity rate (seven days moving average) is at 2.8%. Cumulatively, 232,358 tests have been conducted in the country so far. On COVID-19 vaccination, cumulatively 296,127 doses have been administered in the country with 5,783 being administered in 24 hours.

Most of the confirmed COVID-19 cases that are reported on daily basis are locally transmitted indicating that we still have community transmission of COVID-19 in our country hence the need for strict adherence to the COVID-19 preventive and containment measures. Let me remind the public that some of the COVID-19 preventive measures have multiple benefits. Apart from preventing the spread of COVID-19, they also help reduce the spread of other diseases. For instance, handwashing with soap also helps prevent other diseases such as dysentery and Cholera. We should make frequent hand washing with soap as our daily habit with or without COVID-19. Face masks, apart from reducing the spread of COVID-19, also play an important role in the prevention and control of other infectious respiratory diseasessuch as influenza.

In order to reduce further the spread of coronavirus in our midst, the most important preventive measures we should adhere to are observing physical distancing, hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette including wearing facemask and ensuring adequate ventilation when having activities indoor. These measures are essential for reducing the spread of COVID-19.Everyone must continue taking steps to protect themselves and others from COVID-19 transmission. Further, it is important to avoid the ‘3 C’ settings where COVID-19 spreads most easily: crowds, close-contact settings and confined spaces.
On COVID-19 Vaccination, I would like to inform the general public that the vaccination exercise is continuing in all Government and CHAM facilities and we have adequate stocks of the vaccine. We have trained more health workers to ensure that we have adequate staff in the vaccination sites. I would like to request everyone aged 18 years and above to utilize this opportunity to get vaccinated so that they are protected from severe disease, risk of hospitalization or death due to COVID-19. My special appeal goes to those who by nature of their occupation interact with a lot of people on daily basis such as those working in banks, shops, vendors and those in the transport sector to come and get the vaccine.

Let me remind everyone to avoid unnecessary travel at this time and if you have to please adhere to all the measures.

No one is safe until everyone else is safe. Get Vaccinated. Protect yourself. Protect your loved ones. Protect everyone. Call toll free 929.

Hon. Khumbize Kandodo Chiponda, MP

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Ministry of Health and Population, Republic of Malawi.

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Ministry of Health and Population, Republic of Malawi
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Source: Apo-Opa

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