'Hell' awaits anyone who attacks Libya

Tripoli – Muammar Gaddafi has threatened to turn into “hell” the lives of anyone who attacks Libya in line with a UN Security Council resolution passed overnight.

His remarks came in an interview with Portuguese state television, a tape of which AFP has obtained a copy, just hours before the Security Council voted late on Thursday to permit “all necessary measures” to establish the no-fly zone, protect civilian areas and impose a ceasefire on his military.

“If the world goes crazy, so will we,” the defiant strongman said. “We will respond. We will turn their lives into hell.

“What is this racism, this hatred?” he asked. “What is this madness?”

Gaddafi said the Security Council had “no mandate” for such a resolution “, which we absolutely do not recognise”.

“This is not a war between two countries that permits the council to intervene,” he argued. The UN Charter “does not permit interference in the domestic affairs” of a country.

Following a warning on Thursday that any military operation against Libya would expose air and maritime traffic in the Mediterranean to danger, Gaddafi said such action would have “great consequences for the Mediterranean and for Europe”.

The “Mediterranean will be ravaged. No air or see traffic will be safe”.

Source: News24

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