Charge d'Affaires a.i. of the Chinese Embassy Mr. Wang Bangfu Attends the 10th Anniversary of the Confucius Institute at Uiversity of Botswana

Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Republic of Botswana
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On 25th November 2019, Mr. Wang Bangfu, Charge d'Affaires a.i. of the Chinese Embassy in Botswana was invited to attend the 10th Anniversary of the Confucius Institute at the University of Botswana (CIUB). Prof. David Norris, Vice Chancellor of University of Botswana, Prof. Jiang Mingjun, Deputy President of Shanghai Normal University, H.E. Sasara George, former Ambassador of Botswana to China and friends from both Chinese and Botswana sides of over 100 people attended the event.

Mr. Wang in his remarks extended warm congratulations to CIUB and sincere thanks to the faculty members. He said that CIUB is not only providing opportunities for local people of all ages to learn Chinese language, but also enhancing mutual understanding between the two peoples and cultures. With joint efforts of the two sides, CIUB has built a total of 6 teaching sites across Botswana and attracted more than 11,000 students come to study Chinese, traversing an extraordinary journey of 10 years.

Mr. Wang pointed out that exchanges and mutual learning among civilization form an important drive for human progress and global peace and development. China and Botswana are good friends, good partners and good brothers seeking opportunities and making progress together in development. He wished CIUB greater achievements in the next 10 years by continuing to provide local communities with the learning platform for Chinese language, the window to understand Chinese culture, the channel to spread friendship, and the way to strengthen bilateral education cooperation.

Prof. David Norris delivered a speech on behalf of Hon. Dr. Douglas Letsholathebe, Minister of Tertiary Education, Research, Science and Technology commending CIUB's contribution. He encouraged more local students to learn Chinese language so as to better understand Chinese culture and even the secret of the China's development miracle, and contribute to Botswana-China friendship.

Prof. Jiang Mingjun hoped CIUB teachers continuously improve the quality of teaching, tell good stories of China, promote bilateral cultural exchanges, serve and integrate into the local society, and truly become “the academy of Chinese learning and the bridge of China-Botswana friendship”.

After the event, Mr. Wang and other guests attended the CI Night art show featuring wonderful programs jointly presented by CIUB students, Legae English Medium School students and Shanghai Normal University art group.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Republic of Botswana.
Source: Apo-Opa

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