Guinea Bissau: polls open for Vieira’s successor

Polls are open in Guinea-Bissau for these presidential elections that will choose the country’s president after the assassination of former head of state Joao Bernardo Vieira.

“Observers hope that the election in the tiny West African nation, dubbed a “narco-state” for its role as a hub for drugs trafficked from South America to Europe, will bring stability to a country blighted by instability since independence from Portugal in 1974″, reports.

After the political violence in the run up of the elections, international bodies for the resolution of conflict called on the remaining two candidates not to turn to violence after the poll.

Malam Bacai Sanha, the candidate for the ruling African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde (PAIGC), came out ahead in the first round of voting in late June, scooping 39.6 per cent of the vote, followed by opposition candidate Kumba Yala with 29.4 per cent.

“The two men now go head-to-head”, the same reports.

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