Senegal: Frattini ends visit in Africa

frattini-abuja.jpgItalian foreign secretary, Franco Frattini, has ended today his visit in Africa after meeting with journalists and visiting some Ngos partially funded by the Italian foreign ministry.

In the last few days Frattini visited Angola, Nigeria, Sierra Leone e Senegal.


“Minister Frattini’s visit to Dakar continues with a meeting with journalists, followed by a visit to Italian Cooperation’s Local Technical Unit and the offices of the Non-Governmental Organisations working on cooperation programmes in Senegal with funding from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Minister Frattini will be returning to Rome with the Italian delegation at the end of these visits.”, is stated on a press release by the Italian foreign ministry.

In a previous press release the Italian foreign secretary also stressed that Italy will help find a solution to the Niger delta situation.

“The Foreign Ministry once again reiterates that during Minister Frattini meetings in Nigeria he confirmed Italy’s commitment to the sustainable social, economic and environmental development of the Niger Delta and Western Africa. As with other regions of Africa, Italy’s efforts are intended solely to contribute to the development and stability of the region concerned”, is stated in press release by the Italian foreign ministry.

Photos by: Ansa e MAE

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