Communique of the 752nd PSC Meeting on the Situation in the Republic of Guinea Bissau

The Peace and Security Council (PSC) of the African Union (AU), at its 752nd meeting, held on 13 February 2018, adopted the following decision on the situation in the Republic of Guinea-Bissau.


1.  Takes note of the briefing made by the Commissioner for Peace and Security, Ambassador Smail Chergui and the statement made by Togo, in its capacity as the Chair of the Authority of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS);  

2.  Recalls its previous communiques and press statements on the situation in Guinea-Bissau, in particular, Press Statement [PSC/PR/BR.(DCXXXIV)] adopted at its 734th meeting, held on 14 November 2017, urging the Guinea Bissau stakeholders to work resolutely for the effective implementation of the Conakry Agreement of 14 October 2016 and the Bissau Roadmap, with a view to ending the current crisis in their country, as well as calling the political leadership of Guinea Bissau, including the President of the Republic, to demonstrate utmost restraint, statesmanship and high spirit of responsibility and comply with the country’s constitution, with a view to identifying a quick way out of the current political deadlock;

3.  Recalls the decision of the 30th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the Union held from 28 to 29 January 2018, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, which called on Bissau-Guinean stakeholders to abide by their commitments so as to resolve the crisis and ensure a successful and timely conduct of the upcoming 2018 legislative elections, and endorsed the decision adopted by the Authority of Heads of State and Government of the ECOWAS on the margins of the AU Summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on 27 January 2018 on the situation in Guinea-Bissau;

4.  Further recalls Article 16 of the Protocol Relating to the Establishment of the Peace and Security Council of the African Union and the relevant provisions of the AU Constitutive Act and the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance;

5.  Reiterates its deep concern over the continued political standoff in the country coupled with the persistent socio-economic difficulties that the current crisis has caused to the people of Guinea Bissau, as well as the paralysis affecting the Government institutions and the People’s National Assembly;

6.  Commends the efforts deployed by ECOWAS to finding a lasting solution to the current crisis in Guinea Bissau and welcomes the Decision A/Dec.2.01/2018 Imposing Individual Sanctions Aimed at Restoring Democratic Governance and Ensuring Respect for the Rule of Law in Guinea Bissau issued by the ECOWAS Authority of Heads of State and Government on 4 February 2018, following the assessment mission of the High Level delegation to Guinea-Bissau, conducted from 31 January to 1 February 2018;

7.  Reaffirms its commitment to continue to closely follow all political developments and to support ECOWAS in its efforts to ensure a swift resolution of the protracted crisis in Guinea-Bissau. Furthermore, Council reaffirms its readiness to assist the parties in Guinea Bissau in their search for a rapid settlement of the current crisis, in strict respect of the constitutional and legal provisions, as well as in the light of all agreements signed to date;

8.   Urges all Bissau-Guinean parties to refrain from actions or statements that could escalate tensions and incite violence. In the same vein, Council underscores the need for the security and armed forces of Guinea Bissau to refrain from interfering in this political and institutional crisis and to continue to uphold the country’s constitution;

9.  Appeals to all Member States and partners to financially support the continuation of the mandate of the ECOWAS Mission in Guinea-Bissau (ECOMIB) operations in Guinea-Bissau, whose mandate has been extended to 31 March 2018, until the necessary capacitation of the national security forces of Guinea Bissau is completed. In this regard, Council requests the AU Commission, in consultations with ECOWAS, to mobilize financial resources to support ECOMIB operations;

10.  Decides to endorse the measures taken by ECOWAS in its 4 February 2018 decision, including sanctions against “political obstructionists” who are hampering the process of ending the crisis in the country. In this regard, Council requests the AU Commission to coordinate with the ECOWAS Commission, in order to ensure effective implementation of these measures. Furthermore, Council calls on the international community to extend full cooperation with ECOWAS and support the implementation of the sanction measures;

11.  Requests the United Nations Security Council to endorse the PSC Communique endorsing the ECOWAS decision, in order to ensure its effective implementation;

12.  Further requests the AU Chairperson to transmit the communiqué to the UN Secretary-General, through him to the UN Security Council and to request that it be circulated as an official UN Security Council document;

13. Also requests the AU Commission to continue to provide regular updates to Council on the evolution of the situation in Guinea-Bissau;

14.  Decides to remain actively seized of the situation.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of African Union Peace and Security Department.

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