Malawi: U.S. Provides Food to Dzaleka Refugee Camp

The U.S. Government, through U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), recently contributed $1 million to support the UN World Food Program’s (WFP) purchase of local food commodities for the Dzaleka Refugee Camp food and nutrition program. USAID/Malawi’s support to the WFP plays a crucial role in preventing malnutrition by helping to meet the basic daily food needs of the refugee camp’s residents. With USAID assistance, the WFP will distribute up to 600 metric tons of food ​per month ​to Dzaleka and other refugee and asylum seeker ​hosting grounds in Neno and Karonga districts.

Monthly food ​rations include maize (corn), pulses, vegetable oil and ​corn-soy blend.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of U.S. Embassy in Malawi.

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Source: Apo-Opa

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