U.S. strike against al-Shabaab

On July 30 at approximately 3 p.m. Somalia local time working from actionable intelligence, the Department of Defense conducted a successful kinetic strike operation against an al-Shabaab Mogadishu Attack Network militant in Somalia, killing one (1) fighter and with no civilian casualties. The operation occurred near Tortoroow in southern Somalia. The U.S. conducted this operation in coordination with its regional partners as a direct response to al-Shabaab actions, including recent attacks on Somali forces.

Al-Shabaab has pledged allegiance to al-Qaeda and is dedicated to providing safe haven for terrorist attacks throughout the world. Al-Shabaab has publicly committed to planning and conducting attacks against the US and our allies.

We continue to work in coordination with our Somali partners and allies to systematically dismantle al-Shabaab, and help achieve stability and security throughout the region.

We will continue to assess the results of the operation, and will provide additional information as appropriate. Specific details about the units involved and assets used will not be released in order to ensure operational security.

This strike was conducted within the parameters of the proposal approved by the President in March 2017, which allows the U.S. Department of Defense to conduct lethal action against al-Shabaab within a geographically-defined area of active hostilities in support of partner force. 

Distributed by APO on behalf of U.S. Department of State.

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Source: Apo-Opa

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