New development cooperation in Africa

What follow is rough translation of the event held by Fondazione Basso about new forms of development aid to poor countries in Zimbabwe and Malawi.

The Basso Foundation – International Section, as part of the cycle of conferences on New forms of development cooperation in Africa, is organizing the third meeting dedicated to Zimbabwe and Malawi.

Scholars, experts and natives of the place will present the socio-political, economic and cultural context of a difficult, deeply torn by years of bloody war and disastrous attempts at peacemaking.

Besides the evidences of the sufferings, the hopes of the results of the “Bando Africa: Scholarships for city workers and citizens of Africa” through a detailed report and a photographic documentation of the progress of the project being carried out in Zimbabwe and Malawi.

After the presentation of the project, the public can take part in the discussions that will open between the participants for a comparison of views that helps to provide stimulation and to suggest strategies that might be of interest for the development of future projects in the countries of the African continent.

At the meeting of June 12, Serge Nouboundieu, engineer for the Association of African engineers, moderates and coordinates the activities of:

  • Albert Mianzoukouta, journalist of Radio Vaticana, Joseph Kimu missionary in Malawi;
  • Jean Leonard Toaudì, writer, journalist and member of the Italian Parliament; 
  • Patrizia Sentinelli, former Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs with special responsibility for co-operation; 
  • Pia Foglia, coordinator of the project “Scholarships Work Africa”; 
  • Mariantonietta Romano, Sol Mansi Onlus Association.

Anna Maffei, President of the Baptist Church in italy, will also take part.

Entries in the meetings are done by sending the registration form by email or by calling the <!– var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; var addy34085 = 'filb' + '@' + 'iol' + '.' + 'it'; document.write( '‘ ); document.write( addy34085 ); document.write( ‘‘ ); //–> This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it Basso Foundation – International Section of the number 066877774

Basso Foundation – International Section, Via della Dogana Vecchia, 5 – 00186 Roma – Tel / Fax: (+39) 066877774  – Web site: – E-mail: <!– var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; var addy34085 = 'filb' + '@' + 'iol' + '.' + 'it'; document.write( '‘ ); document.write( addy34085 ); document.write( ‘‘ ); //–>

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