Zimbabwe: conference about democracy in Milan, Italy

La democrazia in Zimbabwe: cronaca di una morte annunciata?” (Democracy in Zimbabwe: report of an announced death?) is the title of a conference organised last 21 of July in Milan by associazione Radicale “Enzo Tortora”.

After 30 years of war, the Eritrea’s regime received arms instead of reconstruction help” Michael Kidane, president of the Charity for justice and democracy in Eritrea, said.

Raffaele Masto, journalist for Radio Popolare, also took part.

After a political outlook about the past and present of Zimbabwe’s president, Robert Mugabe, from the first years of his political activity in the 80s to the recent general elections and his agreement with opposition leader, Morgan Tsvangirai, they reported about the problems of the Continent and its relationships with Europe, the US and China.

You can listen the whole conference in Italian on Radioradicale.it

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