Mozambique: photo exhibition on the web made by kids


An Italian Ngo working in Mozambique realised different projects and made the adverts for them with the help of two kids who shot different pictures of what is changing in their life. 

Antonio and Felipe live in the village of Lugela, in the region of Zambesia, Mozambique. They have been enroled by the  Zawadishop and have shot photos like professionals of the first chicken donated by Italians this year.

The pictures are available at

“With the huge success of chicken Carlà – it is written in a press release of the Ngo COSV in Milan, Italy – Zawadishop began distributing the chicken to the families”.

“When the first animals arrived – Cinzia Giudici, president of COSV, said – children were very happy. Now they await for many eggs, which are very important for their diet. This is why we thought it was important the chicken arrived. So the Ngo gave the children disposable cameras and they shot pictures professionaly and with enthusiasm.”.

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