IOM Records Over 60,000 Migrants Passing Through Agadez, Niger between February and April 2016

Through its Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM), IOM has recorded a total of 60,970 migrants passing through the transit towns of Arlit and Séguédine in the Agadez region of Niger between February and April 2016. Of this total, 44,890 were recorded leaving Niger, while 16,080 were migrants entering the country. Niger is a transit country for West African migrants travelling to and from Algeria and Libya.

The results of the flow monitoring during this period shows that minors represent 2.9 percent of the flow through Séguédine, which is an increase in the number of reported unaccompanied and accompanied minors heading towards Libya. The proportion of minors through Arlit is 9.4 percent, which includes those coming from and going to Algeria.

The main nationalities of those surveyed heading towards Libya were Nigerians (32 percent), Nigeriens (21 percent), Senegalese (16 percent), Gambians (11 percent) and Ivorians (7 percent). The flow of migrants returning from Libya through Niger, consisted mainly of Nigerians (85 percent), Nigeriens (6 percent), Malians (4 percent) and Burkinabes (2 percent).

The DTM results also showed that flows to and from Libya have increased, with 8 percent of migrants transiting from Algeria through Arlit identifying Libya as their final destination. All migrants returning from Libya cited war and insecurity as their reasons for leaving, while those on their way to Libya and Algeria said that they were migrating for economic reasons.

The main nationalities of those travelling towards Algeria were Nigeriens (37 percent), Malians (13 percent), Cameroonians (10 percent), Burkinabes (10 percent) and Guinea Bissauans (6 percent). Of those coming into Niger from Algeria, the main nationalities were Nigerien (40 percent), Malian (11 percent), Cameroonian (8 percent), Burkinabes (7 percent) and Gambians (6 percent.)

For both transit points, the majority of migrants were men (Séguédine 91.3 percent and Arlit 87.1 percent.) In terms of the age distribution, the majority were between the ages of 18 and 59. Some vulnerable people were also identified, including children, female headed households and elderly people.

Over 70 percent of those surveyed paid more than USD 345 for their migration journey to the transit point in Séguédine and in Arlit. The average cost of migration was anywhere between USD 85 and USD 345.

The statistical information on migrant movements was collected on a daily basis, including a monthly deployment of survey teams to gather qualitative information directly from migrants.

The flow monitoring points in Arlit and Séguédine are part of IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix, which is a suite of tools and methodologies designed to track and analyse movement of migrants. Through this IOM is able to provide accurate and timely overview of migrant flows, routes, migrants’ profiles, drivers of migrant and migratory trends.

IOM Chief of Mission in Niger Giuseppe Loprete said: “Collecting data in these areas remains a challenge, but for the first time we now have reliable information and estimations on the migratory flows. The analysis of these trends is key to address the drivers of the migration through West Africa to North Africa and Europe and we will continue to reinforce our activities, especially in the most remote areas of Niger.”

Distributed by APO (African Press Organization) on behalf of International Office of Migration (IOM).

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Source: Apo-Opa

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