H.E. Deputy Chairperson meets China Delegation on Cyber Space

H. E. Mr. Erastus Mwencha, Deputy Chairperson, African Union Commission says the Commission will explore ways of collaboration to develop Cyber Strategies with a vision for a safe and trustworthy cyberspace, not only for the Commission, but as a model the rest of Africa can replicate.

Speaking while he received a delegation from China led by H.E. Ms. Wang Xiujun, Deputy Minister, China Space Administration, the Deputy Chairperson observed that as the African Union migrates to broadband Internet, signs of internet crimes leaping to new heights make it paramount to put preventive actions to deter any cyber infiltrations.  “…being wired to the rest of the world means we are now within the perimeter of cybercrime, making the continent’s information systems more vulnerable than ever before. There is a need to develop Cyber Strategies with a vision for a safe and trustworthy cyberspace” Mr. Mwencha stated.

Faced with the immediacy of cybercrime, which constitutes a real threat to the security of computer networks and the development of the information society in Africa, the Deputy Chairperson observed that there is a need to set the main orientations of the strategy for curbing cybercrime.

H.E Mr. Mwencha further stated “I am convinced that ICT is a powerful tool in the transformation of Africa, as development in the 21st century is largely enabled by digital highways. ICT is the means to our other goals, from health to education, from inclusive growth to gender equality, and many others aspects.”  

The judicious use of ICT is a determinant factor for knowledge to be properly distributed to the ever demanding society with a quest to know more. However, the digital world is also faced with the challenge of vulnerability to attacks. Therefore, much as technologies empower the masses, their misuse can lead to damage and pose real threats to individuals and organization.

A memorandum of understanding is to be developed to define the collaboration framework between the African Union and China on Cyber Space matters of mutual interest.

Distributed by APO (African Press Organization) on behalf of African Union Commission (AUC).

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Source: Apo-Opa

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