Africa Day variety show

As part of the continent’s commemoration of Africa Day, which is celebrated annually on May 25, the United Nations in South Africa hosted a variety show of poems, song, dance and inspirational statements from prominent personalities, to underscore the importance of the Day.

The UN information Centre (UNIC’s) variety show in Pretoria, brought together Ambassadors and other senior members of the diplomatic corps, academics, students, representatives from civil society, the media and members of the public.

Head of the UN’s Population Agency UNFPA, Dr Ester Muia talked of the importance of women taking center stage in Africa – and encouraged all Africans to accelerate consciousness, determination and focus of eliminating poverty. “Partnerships and quality education were pertinent to Africa’s success.” said Dr Muia, as the audience chanted “Africa, let us unite!”

The colourful event, under the theme Celebrating Africa” – a valiant celebration of Africa, its history and prosperous future, featured poignant statements from renown South Africa Praise singer, poet and social activist Zolani Mkhiva who gave a heartfelt poem titled “Son of the Soil”, which placed emphasis on the uniqueness of African languages and the importance of respecting and protecting them.

Each speaker was punctuated by eclectic performances from the vibrant Dominican Convent School marimba band, the Warocka Tswana dance group as well as the Zamashenge Dancers, all of whom exhibited the different art forms from all parts of the continent.

Lindiwe Dlamini of the UN unpacked the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which are the key development drivers of the new fifteen-year global growth and development agenda.

The colourful afternoon ended with displays and exhibitions from Grace Kalenga Creations, Dickson African Print and the Chadian Embassy – which encompassed an ingenious view of all things African, including arts, crafts and fashion. A luncheon and mingling session followed, which was enjoyed by all.

Distributed by APO (African Press Organization) on behalf of United Nations (UN).

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Source: Apo-Opa

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