Invitation to the media to participate in a two-day fully paid visit to livestock projects sites under NGSIP

Mr. Grün, Development Councillor at the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, together with Dr.Namu Musulwe, Social Advisor for the Namibian German Special Initiative Program (NGSIP), are offering an informative 2-day trip to various farms in the Outjo and Okakarara region, who participate in the livestock project.

The Embassy has received requests from several journalists for more information on the above topic and believes that this trip would enable the journalists also to talk to the affected communities directly in order to receive further input.

All expenses (meals and accommodation) for the two days will be covered by the Embassy. Unfortunately due to space constrains in the bus, we can only accommodate 5 journalists.

Accommodation for the 8th April is the C’est si Bon Hotel, Otjiwarongo.

I need your feedback by the 17th April 2016 as provisional hotel room bookings can only be held until then.

Distributed by APO (African Press Organization) on behalf of The Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany – Windhoek.

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Source: Apo-Opa

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