SCIENCE CIRCUS AFRICA 2016 – Australian science show set to inspire young South Africans

Experiments, explosions, exciting science – the Australian High Commission is proud to support Science Circus Africa, visiting Sci-Bono in Johannesburg on Wednesday 9 March.

Featuring Dr Graham Walker from the Australian National University and Science ShowOffs, Science Circus Africa is a travelling roadshow of fun-packed interactive science which trains local teams and teachers along the way. The Sci-Bono shows will feature extraordinary science done with ordinary stuff, along with exotic experiments featuring liquid nitrogen, hydrogen, explosions and a volcano that erupts teddy bears!

Australia’s High Commissioner, HE Mr Adam McCarthy, said that Australia was pleased to help encourage an interest in science among school-aged children, and help build the capacity of science educators.

“Australia is pleased to support science education in South Africa and the region given our important and ground-breaking scientific collaboration on the Square Kilometre Array (SKA). We are particularly delighted that Dr Walker was able to make it out to the Karoo for an action-packed performance at a school close to the SKA site in partnership with SKA South Africa’s schools program.”

“Making science fun is important in encouraging young people to consider a future in science – the possibilities are really endless”, said Mr McCarthy.

Dr Walker has been sharing science in South Africa since 2003 and has formed an enduring bond with the country and its people.

“I am delighted to be back in South Africa, especially as this visit has created new partnerships and programs around the SKA – along with heaps of other exciting science”, said Dr Walker.

Science Circus Africa is travelling through South Africa, Zimbabwe and Namibia from February to April 2016, following successful past projects in South Africa, Botswana, Mauritius, Malawi and Zambia that reached 55,000 people. The tour also features SKA programs in the Karoo and shows at Scifest Africa in Grahamstown.

Science Circus Africa is supported by the Australian High Commission’s Direct Aid Program, with assistance from the Australian National University.

Distributed by APO (African Press Organization) on behalf of Australian High Commission in Pretoria, South Africa.

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Australian High Commission in Pretoria, South Africa
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Source: Apo-Opa

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