Germany is raising its support for the children who are affected by the ongoing conflict in Libya

Dr. Gerd Muller, Germany's Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, announced on 28 February 2016, an additional funding of 1.5 million Euros for UNICEF Libya, to help the provision of appropriate child protection services and psychosocial support, as well as access to quality education, with a special focus on conflict-affected and out of school children.  

Gerd Muller: “Through the cooperation with UNICEF in Libya we can reach up to 60,000 children having better access to education. Children of internally displaced persons will be able to have regular lessons again through mobile classes and receive necessary psycho-social support. Children are the future. And good education is one of the essentials for a generation capable to rebuild a country where the people can live in peace, a country that offers prosperity for everyone. “

During his speech, Mr. Ali Al-Za’tari, Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary General in Libya, affirmed that,” The Libyan humanitarian crisis is not visible to all, a crisis that should not be in this wealthy state, but it is a reality and it is painful. There is a large number of Libyans in need of assistance and we are keen to receive assistance and to deliver to Libyans, without distinction.”

Children in Libya have borne the brunt of constant conflict. As per the Humanitarian Response Plan, 2.44 million people in Libya are in need of humanitarian assistance, out of which an estimated 40 per cent are children who are considered to be the most vulnerable.

Dr. Ghassan Khalil, UNICEF Special Representative, said “The generous contribution of the Government of Germany will enable UNICEF to reach more children in Libya, who are in dire need for support. Girls and boys will benefit from community-based services in the West, East and South of Libya, including hard-to-reach, through solid partnerships with the civil society.”

The Government of Germany committed in 2015 an ample contribution of four million Euros to support the children of Libya, through UNICEF.  The funds will be utilised till June 2017 to support the protection and psychosocial well being of girls and boys, especially victims/survivors of Gender Based Violence and other types of conflict-related violence.

In conflict affected areas, the funds will be used for school rehabilitation and to provide School-aged children especially internally displaced and out-of-school children, with access to education and learning opportunities in safe environments where they benefit from a strengthened quality education system and water and sanitation facilities.

Distributed by APO (African Press Organization) on behalf of United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).

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Source: Apo-Opa

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