On Time International expands operations in Africa to simplify access to public services for citizens

On Time International (www.OnTimeGroup.com) has just announced upcoming tour in West Africa in order to present the company’s expertise in managing administrative services on behalf of public authorities. Thanks to substantial experience acquired in the United Arab Emirates, the company wants to deploy its service offering on the African continent. As part of this effort, states, regional authorities or investment agencies should be proposed adapted tools to ease delivery of public services to individuals and companies.  On Time International’s CEO Alpha Diallo will therefore visit from 7 to 13 March 2016 several countries where public administration modernization programs were recently launched – such as Ghana, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Republic of Guinea and Ivory Coast.

Optimizing the management of civil servants and improving their efficiency, state reform programs, initiatives to bring civil servants closer to citizens: “several ongoing reforms and projects in West Africa allow us to believe that public authorities are eager to discover – and even ask for – solutions provided by the private sector”, explained Alpha Diallo. He also added that On Time International is “able to offer technical support to accelerate and simplify a number of activities, such as visa and passport requests, birth certificates or corporate registration – which frees more time for civil servants to focus on states’ sovereign and strategic missions.”

On Time International plans to deploy its activities by creating business centers – called “one-stop shops” – in cities and rural areas, close to populations.  In these centers, families, business owners and individuals will be listened to, guided and advised while completing their administrative procedures. All requests should be addressed within a deadline set in advance, and complying with this deadline will be a key performance indicator. With such approach, On Time International is committed to deliver quality public service, in a reliable and efficient way.

To support these “one stop shops”, data centers should be created to archive files and application forms and encourage the development of e-governance in partner countries over the long term. As a conclusion, Alpha Diallo explained: “We want to set-up an ambitious public-private partnership in Africa. If we manage to convince public decision makers whom we will meet with, 1 million jobs can be created by 2020 as a part of our deployment plan.” 

Distributed by APO (African Press Organization) on behalf of On Time International.

Press inquiries: 
Nanaïssa Diakité – ndiakite@apcoworldwide.com – + 33 6 14 72 27 97 – whatsapp
Anne-Elvire Kormann-Esmel – aesmel@apcoworldwide.com – + 33 6 46 41 77 84 – whatsapp
Photos credits: Lassana Doumbia

About On Time International
Building on the expertise that On Time Government Services (www.OnTimeGroup.com) developed in the Middle-East region, On Time International was created to provide public authorities across the world with solutions and tailored tools, in order to support their public service mission. On Time International aims to provide essential services to companies and individuals in their daily life, by creating local service centers (“one stop shops”) offering support on administrative and business management issues. The main objective is to bring authorities closer to end users while delivering quality service. On Time International wants to create an ambitious public-private partnership, serving authorities for the benefit of populations. 

Source: Apo-Opa

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