AUC hosts Musical Concert in collaboration with the Nile Project Musical Band to popularize Project 2016 of the African Union

The African Union Commission in collaboration with the Nile Project organized a musical concert to introduce the AU Project 2016. The event which took place on 24 February 2016 at the African Union (AU) Amphitheater was a crowd puller. It was aimed at raising awareness on the theme of the year 2016, African year of Human Rights with a particular focus on the Rights of Women, launched by the Heads of State and Government during the 26th AU Summit held from 21-31 January 2016 at the AU Headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.   

The concert which brought together revelers not limited to the AUC staff and management, students from various schools and colleges in Addis Ababa, representatives from AU Member States, Embassies Accredited to the AU, United Nations Agencies, Partners, local and international journalists, was held under the theme “2016: African Year of Human Rights with a particular focus on the Rights of Women- Human Rights and Culture Combined”.

The concert organized by the AUC department of political Affairs, the Directorate of Information and Communication together with the Nile project band featured a variety of traditional African music entertainment from over 10 Nile basin countries and as such represented the pan African regional cooperation and collaboration principles  that guide the work of the Nile project and the African Union.

The Nile Project Musical Concert was the first among many activities planned for the duration of 2016, to celebrate the theme of the year: African Year of Human Rights with Particular focus on the Rights of Women- dubbed “Project 2016”. It was aimed at introducing Project 2016, the African Union’s Flagship Projects under the year theme, which entails all activities slated in support of the celebration. The musical concert served as an advocacy tool to sensitize the invited guests and other people through the media about Human Rights in Africa.

On behalf of H.E Dr. Aisha Laraba Abdullahi, Commissioner for Political Affairs of the AUC, Ambassador Salah S. Hammad Human Rights Expert at the AUC Department of Political addressed the population who gathered to witness the event. He said Africa’s unity is as a result of one voice and spirit of solidarity. Amb. Salah added that the grand event is a wonderful opportunity to launch not only Project 2016 but also marks the official launching of the AUC Amphitheater.

Also present at the event was Mr. Mina Girgis, President and CEO of the Nile Project who acknowledged the work of the African Union and thanked the AUC for granting the Band the suitable time and occasion to not only showcase the enormous talent of its artists but also serve as a medium to publicize Project 2016: the African year of Human rights with particular focus on the rights of women.

About the Nile Project Group

The Nile Project comprises of 33 musicians from 10 Nile Basin countries. The Nile Project is an organization whose mission is to inspire, inform and empower Nile citizens to collaboratively cultivate the sustainability of their shared ecosystem. The Nile Music Group succeeded to inspire and inform participants who attended the concert held at the headquarters of the African Union Commission through their various soul fetching musical instruments and music that were played by both male as well as female artists.

Distributed by APO (African Press Organization) on behalf of African Union Commission (AUC).

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Source: Apo-Opa

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