AU Commissioner for HRST sign MoU with the Pan African Youth Union (PYU) to promote meaningful participation of youth in Development

The African Union Commissioner for Human Resources Science and Technology (HRST), H.E Dr. Martial De-Paul Ikounga and Ms. Francine Muyumba, President of the Pan African Youth Union (PYU) have today 26th February signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) at the AUC headquarters.

The agreement will create a working partnership that enables both the AUC and the PYU to pursue collaborative activities and projects that will pave way for the promotion of the right to meaningful participation of youth in development affairs on the continent.

Speaking during the occasion, H.E Dr. Martial De-Paul IkoungaAUC Commissioner for Human Resource Science and Technology (HRST) said that following the signing of the MOU the framework has been set for working and partnering with the PYU. “We shall continueto work hand in hand towards the implementation of this agreement” said the Commissioner.

Ms. Francine Muyumba President of the Pan African Youth Union in her remarks expressed her gratitude towards the AUC for the hard work demonstrated  and  events that led to the to the signing of the MOU. “This is only the beginning and more work is yet to come towards the achievement of the implementation mechanism to ensure that youth participation in development is attained” added Ms. Francine.

The Pan African Youth Union is a continental youth organization which works with the National Youth councils and other youth led organizations and networks from across the African Union Member States. As a continental body, PYU cooperates with other regional, continental and international organizations in advancing the rights of the youth and the implementation of the African Youth Charter, the AU Agenda 2063 and other relevant continental and international agendas on youth development.

Through the MOU, the parties shall collaborate in popularization of continental frameworks on youth development and the promotion of youth agenda, specifically, implementation of the African Youth Charter. Collaboration shall also be in enhancing cooperation between the AUC, Member States, and other continental and global partners in initiating innovative programs for youth development.

Distributed by APO (African Press Organization) on behalf of African Union Commission (AUC).

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Source: Apo-Opa

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