Readout of the Secretary-General’s meeting with H. E. Joseph Kabila, President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo

The Secretary-General met today in Kinshasa with H.E President Joseph Kabila of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

The Secretary-General encouraged the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo to continue pursuing a strategic dialogue with MONUSCO, including developing jointly an exit strategy for the Mission. In this regard, he welcomed the announced resumption of the cooperation between the FARDC and MONUSCO as an important step towards improving the protection of civilians, reducing the threat posed by armed groups and stabilising the situation in eastern DRC.

The Secretary-General spoke about his visit the day before to a camp of internally displaced people, in Kitchanga, North Kivu, as an example of humanitarian challenges worldwide. He invited President Kabila to join world leaders at the World Humanitarian Summit he is convening in Istanbul in May.

During a tête à tête, they discussed the political and security situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Kinshasa, 24 February 2016 

Distributed by APO (African Press Organization) on behalf of United Nations – Office of the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General.

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