Didier Reynders meets with Angel Losada, EU Special Representative for the Sahel

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Didier Reynders met on February 24th the European Union Special Representative (EUSR) for the Sahel, Mr. Angel Losada, a few months after the latter took office.

The Minister exchanged with EUSR Angel Losada about the situation in the Sahel, a region with which Belgium has had relationships for a long time and that is important for the EU, particularly in terms of migration.

Belgium has recently increased its development efforts by adding Burkina Faso and Guinea to the concentration countries list, which already included Niger and Mali, and reinforced our investment in security.

For better visibility and effectiveness of the European action in the region, Minister Reynders pleaded for a pooling of European means of action in the Sahel, including the instruments of the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP). This must be part of a regional approach, that Belgium intends to support within the European Union.

Distributed by APO (African Press Organization) on behalf of Kingdom of Belgium – Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation.

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Source: Apo-Opa

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