4th night for solidarity with the refugees

Milan will host the forth night for solidarity with the refugees.

The meeting will be in piazza Oberdan, Thursday 3rd September from 8pm in the capital of Lombardy region.

What follow is the pres release with quotes from some of the organisers.

We are again all togheter in the name of solitdarity and welcome  for refugees: different Milano’s organizations against racism are going to meet on thuesday 3 september in the place Oberdan in Milan.
We are going to plan the Solidarity dinner, after that a public assembly and finally the reading of some pieces of “La nave fantasma” of Giovanni Maria Bellu.

The Milano’s refugees, who come from Eritrea, Etiopia, Somalia, Sudan, have fighted for 5 months for the human right of welcome. They are women, men and children who escare from war, locking for protection and a better future.  They have rights worldwide recognized and ask to Milano council to respect them, but the only received answer is the army and the declaration of place Oberdan as “Sensitive Zone”.

In Oberdan place there are refugees from Eritrea just as the 75 men and women died in the Sicily’s see in the past days, some of them victims of the “respingimenti”, already rejected to Libia. Let die, refused the rescue, they have cruised for 20 days whilst ten met military navy haven’t answer to the rescue request. The governments, among them Libia, Malta and Italy, have refused the rescue to them have requested helping. Governments violate human law and rights recognized refusing in the facts welcome to whom escape from war and dictatorships.

“We want dedicate the forth white night to the victims who have lost their life in the sea – the promoters say– there needs to react for building a true welcome and that means support the fighting of the Milano’s refugees. We could learn a lot from the courage of these people, from their determination, solidarity, resistence and humanity. We call all our brothers and sisters, immigrates and intalians to join us, to organize,     to have the courage to do that against racism, fear and resignition”.
After the white night, the invitation of promoters is to continue the demonstration by joing the national demonstration against racism the next 17th october in Rome.

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