Children’s rights: UN committee to review 14 countries Senegal, Iran, Latvia, Oman, France, Ireland, Haiti, Peru, Zimbabwe, Maldives, Zambia, Benin, Brunei, Kenya

The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child is meeting in Geneva from 12 to 29 January to review the record of 14 countries: Senegal, Iran, Latvia, Oman, France, Ireland, Peru, Haiti, Zimbabwe, Maldives, Zambia, Benin, Brunei and Kenya.

The Committee, composed of 18 independent international experts, monitors how States that have ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child are complying with its obligations. The Committee also reviews how States are doing in two specific areas covered by additions to the Convention known as optional protocols. These concern the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, and the involvement of children in armed conflict.

States that are party to the Convention and the Optional Protocols must submit regular written reports to the Committee. During the meetings in Geneva, Committee members hold question and answer sessions with the respective government delegations. The sessions are webcast live here:

The Committee will meet at Palais des Nations in Geneva in Rooms XXIV and XXV:
Chamber A: Senegal (11-12 Jan); Latvia (12-13 Jan); Ireland (14 Jan); Haiti (15 Jan); Zimbabwe (19 Jan); Zambia (20 Jan); Brunei (21 Jan)

Chamber B: Iran (11-12 Jan); Oman (12-13 Jan); France (13-14 Jan) please note this will be in Room XVI; Peru (15 Jan); Maldives (19 Jan); Benin (20 Jan); Kenya (21 Jan)

More information is available at: The CRC will publish its findings, known as concluding observations, here on Thursday 4 February. A news conference is scheduled at 12:00 on 4 February at the Palais des Nations in Geneva.

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