Italian website reports about a phone call between Italian prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi, and Libyan dictator, Mohammed Gaddafi about the immigration issue.
According to the Italian news website, this is aimed at opening talks between Tripoli and Washington via Rome.
What follows is a translation of the article from Italian.
A new phone call between Berlusconi and Libyan leader Gaddafi, to examine the joint strategy in tackling illegal immigration, to prepare the visit of Colonel Gaddafi in Rome, and open a privileged channel of dialogue between Washington and Tripoli via Rome.
These probably are the contents of the new conversation between the Cavaliere and the Colonel, followed by another phone call that took place in the past few days. According to Libyan news agency Jana, the talks would fall under the “continued coordination” and “consultation” between the two leaders on international issues of common interest”.
Gaddafi’s official visit in Rome is scheduled on June 10-12, but the Colonel will return to Italy in July during the G8, as chairman of the African Union.
According to the Italian Foreign Minister Frattini, Gaddafi’s visit will be a way to close the affair in Italian colonial Libya by opening a new era of relations between the two countries.
“The apologies made by Berlusconi to Gaddafi – said Frattini – were a major political step and was seen with admiration by all African countries. This visit will allow Gaddafi to restart relations with many countries”.
The foreign minister added that relations between Rome and Tripoli are followed with great attention from Washington: “I spoke to U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, and it came up with the possibility of a trip to Libya by Senator George Mitchell Special Envoy of U.S. President Barack Obama in the Middle East and North Africa. “
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