“GREAT” Education Fair is launched in Luanda

On Thursday 26 November, the British Embassy, in partnershipLusiadas UniversityandInternational House, will be hosting an Education Fair, showcasing the best of what Britain has to offer in terms of English language training, higher education and more. The UK gives international students a world-class education, globally respected universities and qualifications, great career prospects and a rich cultural adventure. The fair is open to everyone to come and meet representatives from British Universities and English Language Training Centres and learn more about studying in the UK.

The Education Fair is part of the UK’s GREAT Britain campaign. The campaign, with the slogan “GREAT Britain: Partnering Prosperity”, aims to raise awareness of the multi-faceted appeal of the UK as a GREAT partner for business, innovation, investment, education and tourism.

Lusiadas University was established in 1998, and specialises in scientific and technical studies and currently has 4.875 students. International House was established in the summer of 2014 and currently offers English Language training to students from Angola.

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