Tunisia: Abdullah meets Italian colleague Frattini

Last 28th of January, the foreign minister of Tunisia, Abdelwahab Abdallah, has met his Italian colleague, Franco Frattini.

The main theme of the talks has been immigration. Minister Frattini said that he will check on the possibility for more Tunisians willng to move to Italy looking for work, whilst his colleague of Tunisia expresses the commitment of his country in fighting illegal immigration.

“Italy was also ready to resume negotiations at an early date on the agreement on migratory flows for employment reasons. The two ministers also agreed to up-date the Exchange of Notes, dating from 1998, on re-admission and the fight against illegal immigration”, as reported on appablog.wordpress.com from the Italian foreign ministry website.

Frattini also assured his Tunisian counterpart “to ensure that the 2008-10 Action Plan agreed on the occasion of the “Mixed Commission” of 2007 is observed”.

“Italy would also evaluate the possibility of additional aid for sectors of the Tunisian economy particularly affected by the economic crisis and for the regions at greatest risk of migration”.

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