Prime Minister Shinzo ABE and Foreign Minister Fumio KISHIDA issue Condolence Messages Following the Terrorist Attack on the Garissa University College in Garissa County of the Republic of Kenya

TOKYO, Japan, April 6, 2015/African Press Organization (APO)/ — On 3 April, 2015, in response to the terrorist attack on the Garissa University College in Garissa County in northeastern Kenya and the report of the huge number of casualties, following message has been sent to H.E. Hon. Uhuru KENYATTA, President of the Republic of Kenya, from His Excellency Shinzo ABE, Prime Minister of Japan. In the same context, a similar message from His Excellency Fumio KISHIDA, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan, was sent to Ambassador AMINA Mohamed, Cabinet Secretary for Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade of the Republic of Kenya.

“I received the news of the terrorist attack on the Garissa University College in Garissa County and the report of the huge number of casualties with great shock and anger. Japan condemns this brutal act of terrorism in the strongest possible terms. Taking the lives of dozens of innocent students at the University through the heinous acts of terrorism cannot be justified for any reasons.

On behalf of the Government as well as the people of Japan, I would like to offer my sincerest prayer for those who lost their lives and my deepest condolences to their bereaved families. I would also like to express my utmost sympathy to those who sustained injuries during the attack.

Let me convey to you that Japan stands with Kenya in this difficult moment. Japan is determined to support the Government as well as the people of Kenya in fighting terrorism in close cooperation with members of the international community.”

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