Kenya: Italian Ngo Lvia manage project for drought

Since August 2009 the north-east of Kenya suffer a severe drought. The Italian NGO LVIA has a project in the East African country for this.

“According to the UN World Food Program – it is written in a note from LVIA – a Kenyan out of ten needs assistance. The intervention of the UN in the country provides aid for 3.8 million people” .

The NGO LVIA is present in Kenya since 1967. Enrico Gorfer, representative of LVIA in the area said: “The situation continues to deteriorate, and the drought is manifested in all its severity, especially in areas of high environmental risk, such as Tharaka, where the government and the diocese are distributing food aid. In part, the causes of the emergency are structural: they lack the infrastructure that will ensure water supplies for twelve months a year. Agriculture and pasture are affected and the population is forced to abandon these lands increasingly arid”.
In these areas, the LVIA is conducting a project to ensure that 15,000 people the opportunity to have access to clean water and drinking water in their village.

Activities include the construction of a water supply through the extension of the two already in place, but also the construction of tanks for rainwater harvesting and small bodies of water can collect and reuse the water that flows to the roadside during the season rains.

The project, which sees the collaboration of Water Program Coordination Office of the Diocese of Meru has received co-financing by the European Union. Now, to continue the work, we need more funds and contributions from civil society.
“We will continue to work with local communities on a small scale – Enrico Gorfer concludes – because we believe this is important, beyond the emergency, providing communities the tools to manage their own water resources, precisely because they are few, there is a need for a more rational and sustainable management. The project will provide 15,000 people a source of safe water in their village. It will provide the training necessary for self-management of hydraulic structures. ”
To contribute to the project:
Banca Popolare Etica
IBAN IT49 L050 1801 0000 0000 0106 428
Payable to LVIA – IV Novembre, 12100 Cuneo
Cause: Water for Kenya

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