Extension of the Dispatch Term of the International Peace Cooperation Corps in South Sudan

TOKYO, Japan, February 12, 2015/African Press Organization (APO)/ — 1. Japan has dispatched Headquarters staff personnel and Ground Self Defense Force engineering unit to UNMISS (United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan) since November 2011 and January 2012 respectively.

South Sudan gained independence in July 2011 after the long civil war between the north and the south Sudan and the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA). Three years have passed since its independence, and currently domestic political disorder is a great challenge to the nation-building of South Sudan. The Government of Japan recognizes that the peace and stability of South Sudan is important for the peace and stability of Africa, and that the international community needs to work cooperatively on this issue.

UNMISS activity period was defined as until 30 November 2014 in the mandate of previous United Nations Security Council resolution. On 25 November 2014, the Security Council adopted Resolution 2187, which extended its mandate until 30 May 2015.

In relation to this, the Government of Japan decided to revise the Implementation Plans for International Peace Cooperation Assignments and extend its period.

According to the International Peace Corporation Law Article 7 preamble and (i), the Prime Minister will report the contents pertaining to the revision and situation of implementation to the Diet.

2. Major Points of Revision are following.

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