Security Council Press Statement on Somalia

NEW YORK, February 11, 2015/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The members of the Security Council welcomed the approval of the Cabinet list by the Federal Parliament of Somalia on 9 February. They stressed the need for the Federal Government to accelerate delivery of the milestones of the Federal Government’s ‘Vision 2016′. In this context, they underlined the importance of the new political leadership in Somalia quickly delivering in priority areas, including the passage of key legislation to establish the National Independent Electoral Commission, progress towards the establishment and strengthening of interim regional administrations, the stabilisation of areas recovered from Al Shabaab, and resuming the implementation and review of the Provisional Constitution, without further delay.

The members of the Security Council stressed the importance of political unity, inclusivity and stability of the Federal Government in Somalia, in order to make swift progress on delivery for the people of Somalia. In this context, they welcomed the enhanced participation of women in the new Government.

The members of the Security Council stressed the importance of Somalia’s leaders, including the new Government, the President and Parliament, developing effective mechanisms to prevent prolonged political crises in the future.

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