Emergency Assistance to Malawi in Response to the Floods Disaster

TOKYO, Japan, January 21, 2015/African Press Organization (APO)/ — 1. On Tuesday, January 20, the Government of Japan decided to provide emergency relief goods worth 19 million yen (Tents, Blankets, etc.) to Republic of Malawi, through the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in response to the request from the Government of the Republic of Malawi following serious damage from the floods in the country.

2. Due to the heavy rain continued about 2 weeks from the beginning of January, Southern part of Malawi is particularly suffering from floods caused by the overflow of Lake Malawi. According to the Government of the Republic of Malawi, about 121,000 people are displaced, 54 people lost lives and 153 people are missing as of January 18.

3. The Government of Japan, based on the request of the Government of the Republic of Malawi, decided to provide emergency assistance from a humanitarian point of view for the victims as well as in light of the friendly relationship between Japan and Republic of Malawi.

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