Canada and Zambia Lead United Nations Efforts to End Child, Early and Forced Marriage

OTTAWA, Canada, November 24, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird issued the following statement on a resolution led by Canada and Zambia on child, early and forced marriage at the United Nations that was adopted by the Third Committee this morning:

“The overwhelming support of the international community for this resolution is a clear signal that there is a global movement toward eradicating a practice that threatens the lives and futures of 15 million girls who are forced into marriage each year.

“To the 700 million girls and women around the world who were forced to marry as children, Canada stands with you and will continue to work with partners around the world to ensure that your daughters and granddaughters will not suffer the same fate.

“Child, early and forced marriage is one of the most pressing development challenges of our time. Our country will always act according to its founding values of freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law so that they can be enjoyed by all.”

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