UK welcomes UN action to sanction Libyan terrorist groups

LONDON, United-Kingdom, November 20, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Foreign Secretary welcomes UN action taken to list two terrorist groups in Libya, underlining need to support UN-led mediation efforts.

Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond said:

“I welcome the action taken by the UN Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee to list Ansar Al Sharia Benghazi (AAS-B) and Ansar Al Sharia Derna (AAS-D). Both groups have links with Al-Qaida and are responsible for acts of terror in Libya, including bomb attacks, kidnappings, and murder.”

“The decision sends a clear message that the international community will take action against extremist groups in Libya who pose a threat to peace and security. It is incumbent on all Libyans to reject these groups and all they stand for.

“The UK urges all parties in Libya to cease fighting immediately and fully supports the mediation efforts of the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General, Bernardino Leon, in pursuing an inclusive and broad based dialogue.”

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