Last 20 of June the World Refugee Day has been celebrated by African Union Commission in collaboration with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

The event featured film projections, horal singing by the children refugee, an exhibition of photographs and a sale of work of arts created by the refugees themselves.

Initiated by the African Union, the Day is celebrated all over the continent since 1974, as written in a press release by the African Union.

This year, the World Refugee Day is commemorated under the commitment of “refugees protection”.

A preoccupation will be at the center of the special Summit on refugees, internally displaced persons and repatriated persons, to be held from 19 – 24 October 2009, in Kampala, Uganda.

During the Summit, the Heads of State and Government would adopt the African Union Convention on the protection and assistance to internally displaced persons in Africa.

They will also discuss the major causes of displacement in Africa, the same press release by the African Union reports.

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