UNAMID Verification Team Visits Tabit village to Investigate Mass Rape Allegations

EL FASHER (DARFUR), Sudan, November 10, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Further to our earlier press releases; on 9 November 2014, an African Union –United Nations Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) verification team was granted access to Tabit village in North Darfur; following media reports of an alleged mass rape incident perpetrated against 200 women and girls in the area. The team included representatives from police, military and civilian components.

The team spent several hours touring the village and interviewing a variety of Tabit’s residents; including community leaders, ordinary men and women, teachers and students to ascertain the veracity of the media reports. Village community leaders reiterated to UNAMID that they coexist peacefully with local military authorities in the area. The team also interviewed the local Sudanese Armed Forces Commander.

None of those interviewed confirmed that any incident of rape took place in Tabit on the day of that media report. The team neither found any evidence nor received any information regarding the media allegations during the period in question.

UNAMID intends to conduct further follow-up actions on the matter; including possible further investigations and patrols; in coordination with relevant host authorities and in accordance with the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) between the Government of Sudan and UNAMID.

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