458th Meeting of the Peace and Security Council on the situation in the Central African Republic (CAR)

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, September 23, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The Peace and Security Council of the African Union (AU), at its 458th meeting held on 17 September 2014, adopted the following decision on the situation in the Central African Republic (CAR) decision:


1. Takes note of the briefing given by the Commission, the statements made by the representatives of Chad, Chair of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS), the Republic of the Congo, Mediator of ECCAS in the CAR crisis, the United Nations (UN) and the European Union (EU), as well as by those of France, Rwanda, the United Kingdom and the United States of America in their capacity as members of the UN Security Council;

2. Reiterates its previous communiqués and press statements on the situation in the CAR, including communiqué PSC/PR/COMM.2(CCCLXXXV) adopted at its 385th meeting held on 19 December 2013, authorizing the deployment and specifying the mandate of the African-led International Support Mission to the Central African Republic (MISCA), and communiqué PSC/PR/COMM (CDXXII), adopted at its 422nd meeting held on 7 March 2014, through which Council, among others, welcomed the envisaged deployment of a UN peacekeeping operation to consolidate the gains made by MISCA, with the support of the French Operation Sangaris, facilitate the long-term stabilization of the CAR and support the efforts aimed at tackling the root causes of the recurrent crises faced by the CAR;

3. Commends the outstanding work done by MISCA, with the support of Operation Sangaris and the EU Operation (EUFOR), in the fulfillment of the different aspects of its mandate, which led to a substantial improvement in the security situation, facilitated the commencement of the process aimed at restoring State authority, established the conditions for the resumption of the political process and the delivery of humanitarian assistance to the civilian population affected by the crisis. Council notes with satisfaction that the completion by MISCA of the initial stabilization phase of the situation in the CAR has created conditions conducive for the deployment of a UN peacekeeping operation;

4. Pays tribute to the MISCA personnel for their commitment, courage and professionalism in the discharge of their mission, reiterates the sincere condolences of the AU to the families and countries of the 32 soldiers and police personnel who lost their lives in the accomplishment of their duties and conveys its wishes for a speedy recovery to the 179 injured uniformed personnel in the course of MISCA’s operations. Council welcomes the organization of a ceremony to pay tribute to the MISCA uniformed personnel, on 13 September 2014, in Bangui, in the presence of the CAR authorities and representatives of the troop and police contributing countries. Council expresses its deep appreciation to the Special Representative of the Chairperson of the Commission and Head of MISCA, General Jean-Marie Michel Mokoko, as well as to the Force Commander, General Martin Chomou Tumenta, and the Head of its Police component, Colonel Patrice Ostangue Bengone, for their dedication and high sense of responsibility;

5. Pays tribute also to the troop and police contributing countries, namely Burundi, Cameroon, the Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Rwanda and Chad, for their remarkable contributions to MISCA. Council pays tribute to ECCAS and its Member States, as well as to other African countries concerned (Algeria, Cote d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, The Gambia, Namibia, Nigeria and South Africa), for their financial and logistical support to the MISCA;

6. Expresses, once again, its appreciation for the important contribution of the Sangaris and EUFOR operations to the stabilization of the situation in the CAR, as part of their support to MISCA and, in accordance with the relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council;

7. Reiterates its gratitude to the multilateral and bilateral partners who provided financial and logistical support to MISCA, particularly the EU and its Member States (Luxembourg and the United Kingdom), the United States of America, Canada, Japan and Norway. Council also welcomes the technical support extended by the UN to MISCA;

8. Welcomes the successful transfer of authority from MISCA to the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the CAR (MINUSCA), which took place in Bangui, on 15 September 2014, in the presence of the Chairperson of the Commission. Council congratulates the Commission and the UN General Secretariat on their close cooperation and work for the smooth transfer of authority;

9. Reiterates the importance of the continued role of the region, particularly through the actions of the current Chairperson of ECCAS and the Mediator of ECCAS in the CAR crisis, Presidents Idriss Déby Itno and Denis Sassou-Nguesso, and the AU, in support of the peace efforts in the CAR, including support for the ongoing political transition and other aspects of the stabilization process in the country, as well as the coordination of international efforts through the International Contact Group on the CAR (ICG-CAR), co-chaired by the AU Commission and the Republic of the Congo;

10. Encourages the ECCAS Mediator, with the support of the AU and UN Vice-Mediators, Soumeylou Boubeye Maiga and Abdoulaye Bathily, to pursue his efforts to consolidate the outcome of the Forum held in Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo, from 21 to 23 June 2014, especially the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement, and enable the implementation of Phases II and III of the process, as agreed to by the CAR stakeholders, which will take place in the CAR, with the holding of popular consultations in the 16 prefectures of the country and the convening of a National Reconciliation Forum in Bangui;

11. Fully supports the steps being taken by the Commission to maintain a strong presence in the CAR to enable the AU to continue to support the efforts to promote peace, security and stability in the CAR. In this regard, Council requests the Chairperson of the Commission to take urgently the necessary measures for the transformation of MISCA into an AU Mission for the CAR and Central Africa (MISAC), so as to enable the AU, in close coordination with ECCAS, MINUSCA and other relevant international actors, to continue to support the ongoing national efforts, with particular focus on: (i) support to the political transition, (ii) the organization of elections, (iii) national reconciliation, (iv) support to the disarmament, demobilization, rehabilitation and reintegration process, as well as to the security and justice sectors reform, (v) post-conflict reconstruction, (vi) gender, and (vii) facilitation of coordination between the AU-led Regional Cooperation Initiative for the Elimination of the Lord’s Resistance Army (RCI-LRA) and MINUSCA, in the discharge of their respective mandates;

12. Encourages the Commission, through MISAC and in close cooperation with ECCAS, as well as with other relevant international actors, to support more effectively the efforts of the countries of the region aimed at promoting peace, security and stability in the region;

13. Urges Member States to provide the necessary financial support to enable MISAC to play the role expected of it in the current phase of the process in the CAR. Council also appeals to the international partners, particularly the EU, within the framework of the African Peace Facility, to contribute to the financing of MISAC;

14. Urges the CAR stakeholders to redouble their efforts to successfully conclude the ongoing Transition in their country, in strict compliance with the principles that underpin the Transition. In this respect, Council reiterates the relevant provisions of the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance;

15. Reiterates its appeal to the CAR stakeholders to place the supreme interest of their country above partisan and other considerations, bearing in mind the spirit of the Brazzaville Forum, in order to effectively address the challenges facing their country, and stresses their primary responsibility. Council renews its support to the institutions and authorities of the Transition and urges them to leave no stone unturned to ensure the successful completion of the Transition and the organization of free, fair and credible elections;

16. Appeals to the international community to pursue and further enhance its support to the CAR, as well as to extend the required support to the countries of the region to enable them cope with the consequences of the CAR crisis;

17. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

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