Canada Concerned About Downing of UN Helicopter in South Sudan

OTTAWA, Canada, August 27, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird today issued the following statement:

“Canada is concerned by reports that a UN helicopter crashed after being attacked near Bentiu, South Sudan. Three crew members are confirmed to have died. The United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan [UNMISS] has dispatched an investigative team to confirm the cause of the crash.

“This incident comes only one day after the Government of South Sudan and the Sudan People’s Liberation Army [SPLA] in Opposition signed an agreement in Ethiopia to work toward a permanent ceasefire and form a national unity government within 45 days.

“Canada urgently calls on both sides to respect agreements they have made toward preventing more violence and bloodshed in the area and to cease military engagements. They must also allow UNMISS to carry out its mandate to protect civilians and facilitate full, safe, unhindered humanitarian access to all parts of South Sudan.

“An immediate ceasefire is essential to ensuring the safe delivery of much-needed humanitarian aid.”

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