Head of UNAMID addresses launch of Doha Document security arrangements in El Fasher

EL FASHER (DARFUR), Sudan, August 25, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The security arrangements for integrating about 1,350 former combatants from Justice and Equality Movement (JEM)– Sudan into the Government of Sudan military and police apparatus were launched today in a ceremony in El Fasher, North Darfur. The exercise is one of the main provisions stipulated in Doha Document for Peace in Darfur (DDPD).

In his speech at the ceremony, the African Union-United Nations Joint Special Representative (JSR) and Joint Chief Mediator for Darfur, Mr. Mohamed Ibn Chambas, highlighted the implementation of the security arrangement as one of the means of achieving peace in Darfur. “The launching of the DDPD security arrangements is a milestone in the implementation of the Doha Document,” he said.

“Let me take this opportunity therefore, to congratulate you all, particularly the signatories to the DDPD, for making it happen,” the Head of UNAMID said. “It is a clear testimony of your commitment and collective efforts towards bringing an end to the conflict in Darfur.”

Mr. Chambas stressed the Mission’s support to the all parties of the conflict. “UNAMID will continue to emphasize the need for cooperation and coordination among all concerned parties,” he mentioned.

The leader of JEM- Sudan, Brig. Gen. Bakheit Abdallah Dabajo, said that the security arrangements will help in ensuring security, stability and development in the country in general, and Darfur in particular. “JEM-Sudan combatants will be part of the troops to defend the country,” he explained.

“We call upon our brothers who are non-signatories to join the Doha Document, because peace is for all,” Dabajo said, and added that his movement did not sign for the sake of positions, but to build their country. “Enough is enough for war and bloodshed,” he concluded.

The ceremony, which took place at the Sixth Military Division square, was attended by the Wali (Governor) of North Darfur Osman Kibir, the Chairman of the Darfur Regional Authority Tigani Seisi, and other dignitaries from the Government of Sudan, JEM-Sudan and UNAMID.

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