UNMISS condemns killing of humanitarian worker in Bunj, Upper Nile State

JUBA, South Sudan, August 4, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — UNMISS is deeply concerned about the deteriorating security situation in Bunj, Maban County, Upper Nile State, where, since yesterday, there have been clashes between a community-based self defence militia calling itself the Mabanese Defence Forces and! deserting SPLA soldiers. Since last night, elements of this militia have been moving around the town, approaching offices of humanitarian organizations and asking if they have any Nuer employees.

This morning, members of the militia shot and killed a staff member of a humanitarian non-governmental organisation. UNMISS strongly condemns the targeted killing of civilians by members of this militia. The Mission also calls upon the national and state authorities, in particular the SPLA who have a presence in Bunj, to protect the civilian population, United Nations personnel and humanitarian workers, and to rein in the militia elements before the situation descends into lawlessness.

The survival and welfare of over 125, 000 Sudanese refugees are threatened since they depend on relief and services provided by aid workers.

UNMISS has no military or police presence in Bunj and is concerned about the safety of the United Nations personnel, staff of humanitarian organizations and civilians who have taken refuge in the compounds of United Nations agencies since the violence started yesterday. The Mission calls upon the militias to respect the inviolability of United Nations premises and appeals to the national authorities to protect those facilities.

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