FIGHTING HUNGER AWARDS CEREMONY 16 June 2014 / Chile, China and Morocco to receive recognition for achieving outstanding progress in fighting hunger

ROME, Italy, June 13, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Chile, China and Morocco are the latest in a growing list of countries to make great strides in combating undernourishment, such as the early achievement of the Millennium Development Goal 1 (MDG-1) – to halve the proportion of hungry people by 2015 – or the more stringent 1996 World Food Summit (WFS) target of halving the absolute number of hungry people by 2015.

In 2013, FAO recognized 38 countries for achieving outstanding progress in fighting hunger.

This year, FAO Director General, José Graziano da Silva, will award a diploma to China and Morocco for halving the proportion of hungry people (MDG-1 hunger target). Chile which had already reached its MDG-1 target will receive the diploma for halving the number of hungry people (WFS).

The awards ceremony is part of the 149th session of the FAO Council which takes place on 16-20 June, 2014.

Also scheduled for Monday, 16 June 2014, 18.30-19.30h at FAO’s Sheikh Zayed Centre, is an event celebrating the success of Morocco’s national agricultural strategy “Plan Maroc Vert”. The strategy is seen as the engine behind Morocco’s achievement of the Millennium Development Goal 1 hunger target. The event will also mark the signing of a South-South Cooperation Tripartite Agreement – the first time that Morocco assists another African country (Guinea) through this mechanism which also involves FAO.

WHAT: Awards Ceremony Recognizing Outstanding Progress in Fighting Hunger

WITH: Minister for Agriculture of Chile, Carlos Furche; Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries of Morocco, Aziz Akhannouch; Vice-Minister for Agriculture of China, Xiaohua; FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva.

WHEN: Monday, 16 June 2014, 12.00-13.00h

WHERE: Red Room, FAO headquarters

Rome, Italy | Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, corner with Viale Aventino. Metro stop Circo Massimo.

Accreditation will take place at the main FAO visitor’s entry kiosk. A valid press card or letter of assignment on company stationery, plus picture ID, required.



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More information: FAO media office, (+39) 06 570 53625,

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