UK Foreign Secretary looks forward to strengthened Egypt UK relations

LONDON, United-Kingdom, June 4, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Foreign Secretary congratulates President-elect Sisi and highlights need to implement the rights contained in the constitution.

The Foreign Secretary William Hague said:

“The UK congratulates President-elect Sisi on his victory and looks forward to working with his government to strengthen the broad and productive relationship between both our peoples.

“We look to President-elect Sisi to take steps to implement the rights contained in Egypt’s constitution by opening up political space, especially with regard to freedom of expression and association. We believe the best way for Egyptians to achieve the goals of the 25 January revolution of 2011 is through an inclusive political process in which all groups can participate.

“We urge Egypt’s leaders to ensure that Egypt’s transition leads towards accountable and democratic governance, underpinned by strong and accountable institutions. The UK supports the Egyptian people in their aspirations for greater economic opportunities, political participation, freedom and rights. We are proud to be Egypt’s largest foreign investor and will increase our support for education, research and scholarships, to strengthen prosperity in Egypt and the links between our two countries.”

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