Workshop on the Somali Draft National Gender Policy and Gender Based Violence for Somali media

MOGADISHU, Somalia, May 27, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The Gender Unit of the African Union Mission in collaboration with the Somali Ministry of Gender and Human Rights and the Ministry of Information today conducted an awareness workshop on the Somali Draft National Gender Policy and Gender Based Violence for Somali media practitioners

Speaking on behalf of the African Union Special Representative for Somalia (SRCC) Ambassador Mahamat Saleh Annadif, the Deputy SRCC, Mrs. Lydia Wanyoto Mutende in her opening remarks urged the participants to take this opportunity to identify challenges and translate them into strategies to report violence against women and children and tackle gender stereotypes.

“Today’s awareness event can have a great impact in shifting attitude towards gender stereotypes and take initiatives such as gender-sensitive language guidelines for editors and reporters to decrease gender disparities and gender based violence,” she added.

During the forum, the participant’s identified key opportunities, challenges and strengths allowing them to develop a deeper understanding of the role the media can play in raising public awareness on gender issues and the fight against gender based violence to give a voice to the people who most need it.

The event ended with a common declaration from the Media industry in disseminating the Gender Policy, joining the fight against GBV and using this forum as an entry point to develop a media strategy for a gender editorial policy to be developed and implemented.

The Africa Union Mission in Somalia is engaged in strategic gender mainstreaming in all area of operations as it continues to support the Federal Government of Somalia achieve sustainable peace and stability.

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