UNAMID Head visits Geneva, calls for cooperation to advance human rights in Darfur

EL FASHER (DARFUR), Sudan, May 26, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — African Union-United Nations Joint Special Representative (JSR) for Darfur and Chief mediator, Mohamed Ibn Chambas, concluded a two-day visit to Geneva on 23 May, where he held several meetings at the United Nations Office and met with the High Commissioner for Human Rights.

Mr Chambas started his visit by holding meetings with the African Union permanent representatives including a bilateral meeting with the Permanent representative of Sudan to the UN in Geneva, Ms. Rahma Salih Elobied; where he briefed on the situation in Darfur as well as progress achieved and challenges facing the implementation of the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur (DDPD).

He also met with representatives of several member states at a function hosted by the Ambassador of Canada to the UN Office in Geneva and updated them on the latest developments in Darfur and his activities as Joint Chief Mediator.

Mr. Chambas concluded his visit by meeting the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, where they explored ways of enhancing cooperation on human rights issues in Darfur through capacity building and training activities in partnership with the national federal and state authorities, civil society, academic institutions and local communities in Darfur; in line with the provisions set out in the DDPD.

At the conclusion of his visit to Geneva, Mr. Chambas expressed his satisfaction with the discussions he held and underscored the importance of collective effort in enhancing the cause of human rights. “Protecting the fundamental rights of Darfuris must be an integral part of a concerted effort to find an inclusive and comprehensive political settlement of the eleven-year conflict in the region.”

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