Ireland to provide €2 million in emergency assistance for South Sudan

DUBLIN, Ireland, May 23, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Ireland will provide an additional €2 million to support life-saving work in South Sudan, where an estimated five million people are in urgent need of assistance, Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade Eamon Gilmore TD has announced.

Due to ongoing conflict in South Sudan, more than 1.2 million people have fled their homes.

The Tánaiste said:

“The grave humanitarian situation in South Sudan, which is affecting almost five million people, is truly shocking. Widespread killing of civilians and gross human rights violations are reported. Given the seriousness of the crisis and the urgent needs of innocent civilians, Ireland will provide a further €1.36 million to our NGO partners in South Sudan to provide healthcare and protection to vulnerable women and children.

“In addition, Ireland will provide €500,000 this week to support the World Food Programme’s work in South Sudan and €200,000 to assist South Sudanese refugees who have fled to Uganda. This funding of over €2 million brings our total contributions this year to approximately €5 million.”

Minister for Trade and Development, Joe Costello TD said the prospect of famine is now a reality as many people have been unable to cultivate their land:

“The devastating conflict has left thousands of families destitute, with hunger and under-nutrition now widespread. The UN has warned that more than a third of South Sudan’s population, or 4 million people, will be on the brink of starvation by the end of 2014 if urgent action is not taken.

“There are a number of major humanitarian crises now demanding international attention – including Syria and the Democratic Republic of Congo – to which Ireland is also responding. It is vital that the international community not lose focus on South Sudan, whose people continue to need our urgent support.”

The €2 million will support the following projects:

Almost €400,000 to Concern for their emergency response work and programme to help people recover from the impacts of the conflict in Unity State

€472,000 for Médecins Sans Frontières to provide primary and secondary heath care in Lankien, Jonglei State

€488,000 in 2014 for World vision’ s programme to provide emergency protection to children and women affected by conflict in Upper Nile State, Jonglei State and Warrap State

€500,000 this week to support the World Food Programme’s work in South Sudan

€200,000 to assist South Sudanese refugees who have fled to Uganda.

Ireland has already committed more than €2.9 million to South Sudan in 2014 in response to the current outbreak of conflict and resulting displacement, including:

Two airlifts totalling 45 tonnes of emergency supplies – including blankets, mosquito nets and kitchen utensils – valued at €400,000

€805,000 to assist South Sudanese refugees in Uganda and Ethiopia

€100,000 in funding for key NGO partners for use in emergencies

€1.5 million in funding to ensure that UN agencies and NGOs on the ground can respond to urgent humanitarian needs

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