Canada Helping to Improve Maternal and Child Survival in South Sudan / A project funded by Canada is bringing life-saving health services to remote communities of South Sudan using mobile clinics and community volunteers

OTTAWA, Canada, May 22, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Canada’s leadership in improving maternal, newborn and child health (MNCH) was again evident today as the Honourable Deepak Obhrai, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and for International Human Rights, on behalf of the Honourable Christian Paradis, Minister of International Development and La Francophonie, announced Canada’s contribution to a project that will bring life-saving health services to remote communities of South Sudan. The announcement was made at an event hosted by the Canadian Red Cross, which is implementing the project.

Using primarily mobile health care clinics and community volunteers, this project will bring life-saving services directly to some 350,000 people in more than 600 remote communities in Warrap State, South Sudan. The mobile clinics will provide essential healthcare that would otherwise be unavailable to most mothers and children, including in emergency situations. Volunteers will be trained to provide basic care and promote breastfeeding, better nutrition, and vaccinations in their communities. Micronutrients will be distributed to improve nutrition, and life-saving interventions will be delivered to prevent malaria, diarrhea and pneumonia in young children.

“Tremendous progress has been made, but much more can be done to prevent mothers and children in developing countries from dying of simple, preventable diseases, malnutrition, and the lack of access to healthcare,” said PS Obhrai. “These causes can be addressed with proven, affordable and cost-effective solutions that most Canadians take for granted. With the Canadian Red Cross and other partners, Canada will continue to save lives and improve the health of mothers and children in the developing world.”

Canada’s top development priority is improving the health of mothers, newborns and children and reducing the number of preventable deaths. In 2010, as part of its G-8 presidency, Canada launched a global effort – the Muskoka Initiative – to mobilize global action to reduce maternal and child mortality and improve the health of mothers and children in the world’s poorest countries.

Significant progress has already been made – maternal mortality rates are declining and millions more children are celebrating their fifth birthday – and our common goal is nearer still. That is why the Prime Minister is once again taking action to mobilize the world. From May 28 to 30, 2014, in Toronto, Canada will host Saving Every Women, Every Child: Within Arm’s Reach, an international summit that will build on Canada’s leadership and chart the way forward for the next phase of global efforts.

“We would like to thank the Canadian government for its tremendous support, which will enable the Red Cross to help an unprecedented number of communities in South Sudan, one of the most underserved areas in the world,” said Conrad Sauvé, secretary general and CEO of the Canadian Red Cross. “In partnership with the South Sudan Ministry of Health, the South Sudan Red Cross and local communities, we will work to strengthen local health systems, extend the reach of health services to hard-to-reach communities and bring life-saving treatments to mothers and children in more than 600 remote communities.”

“This project will help to increase the survival rate of mothers, newborns and children in South Sudan’s Warrap State by bringing life-saving health services to remote communities,” said Minister Paradis. “Assisting mothers in giving birth more safely and helping children improve their nutrition and obtain better protection against disease will help families and communities in South Sudan avoid the preventable deaths of many thousands of mothers and children.”

Quick Facts

• On April 28, 2014, the Prime Minister announced that Canada will host Saving Every Woman, Every Child: Within Arm’s Reach, an international Summit on Maternal, Newborn and Child Health issues.

• The Summit, to be held from May 28 to 30, 2014, in Toronto, will build on Canada’s leadership and bring together Canadian and international leaders and experts, Canadian charities, businesses, scientists, developed and developing countries, international organizations and global foundations to ensure that maternal, newborn and child health remains a priority of the global development agenda.

• The causes of maternal and under-five child mortality in developing countries are largely preventable with increased access to affordable and cost-effective solutions that most Canadians take for granted.

• Canada is providing $2.85 billion in funding between 2010 and 2015 under the Muskoka Initiative to save the lives of women and children in developing countries.

• Canada is on track to meeting its Muskoka commitment, with 80 percent of the funding already disbursed.

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