Minister Costello calls for comprehensive EU approach to crises in South Sudan and Central African Republic

DUBLIN, Ireland, May 19, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Minister for Trade and Development Joe Costello, TD, has called for the European Union to make progress on implementing a comprehensive approach to dealing with the ongoing political, security, and development crises in South Sudan and the Central African Republic.

Speaking ahead of today’s EU Foreign Affairs Council meeting of Development Ministers in Brussels, Minister Costello said:

“Ireland is gravely concerned about the continuing deterioration of the humanitarian situations in South Sudan and the Central African Republic. The impact of violence on civilian populations in both countries is unacceptable.

“Crises such as those in South Sudan and the Central African Republic illustrate clearly the need to ensure that development assistance to fragile and conflict-affected countries is delivered as part of a wider package that includes measures to consolidate stability and prevent conflicts from re-emerging.”

At the Council, Ministers will also review the progress of negotiations at the United Nations in New York on a new set of international development goals to replace the Millennium Development Goals, which expire in 2015. The EU’s approach to these negotiations was brokered by Ireland’s EU Presidency last year, and Ireland continues to play a prominent role in the discussions in New York, leading up to an international Summit to be held at the UN in the Autumn of 2015.

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